
Kochi 2010 Prelim Questin

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

TCS IT WIZ Kochi 2010 Prelim Questions

1.) Picture of Jon Von Neuman.
2.) Braeburn Capital, FileMaker Inc. are the subsidiaries of which company?
Ans: Apple Inc.
3.) Which organization developed  the game - Moonbase Alpha?
4.) "~" . what is the symbol in quotes called?
Ans: Tilde
5.) What was invented by Alan Shugart?( some description of floppy was given)
Ans: Floppy Disk
6.) What is special about the book by Douglas Hofstadter - "Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought"?
Ans: This book was the first book sold on Amazon.
7.) Who owned Pixar just before the acquisition by Walt Disney?
Ans: Steve Jobs.
8.) Who brought the marketing campaign called " The Legend of the micro Kid"?
Ans: Microsoft
9.) One word for Picture & element?
Ans: Pixel
10.) Picture of Eric Schmidt was given & told to identify the company
11.) Tapulous was founded in February 2008 with the specific intention of developing software applications for the iOS platform. How do you know Tapulous now?
Ans: Gogo Apps
12.) On 21st May 2010, the " i am feeling Lucky" Button in google was changed to Insert a coin. Google was celebrating the 30th birthday of a game. Which was the game?
Ans: Pac Man
13.) This company's name came from a Greek mythological name. The company shortened the name to get a higher listing in the alphabetical order?
Ans: Asus ( the greek mythological name was Pegasus )
14.) Expand FLOPS?
Ans: FLtin gpoint Operations Per Second
15.) A photo graph of Andy Grove along with his book "Only the paranoid survive" was given and asked to identify the person.?
16.) Ramu Yalamanchi, an Indian entrepreneur founded a social networking web site. Which is the web site?
Ans: Hi 5
17.) How do you know " Compresser & Decompresser "?
Ans: Codec
18.) Zen is from which company?
Ans: Creative
19.) Logo of My Space was to be identified.
20.) Expand VPN?
Ans: Virtual Private Network.

Watch the TCS IT WIZ 2010 Kochi's Finals on youtube

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